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Altar Servers

St. Catharine of Alexandria RC Church
1119 41st Street, St. Catharine of Alexandria
Brooklyn, NY 11218
Contact the parish office for details. 
[email protected]

Boys and girls who serve as altar servers assist the priest and the sacred administration of his responsibilities during the sacrifice of the Mass. Typically, they are the cross bearer, those who carry the candles for the celebration of the Eucharist, those who would assist him in the pouring of the water and the wine, the washing of the hands, the bringing forth of the bread, and the preparation of the altar. 

Historically it was young men who had been discerning priesthood who would serve at the Mass, but since the 90s, this ministry has been open to women as well. And in many parishes, it is not simply young boys and girls who are celebrating or administering the responsibilities of altar servers, but in many places, it is adults who take part in this sacred responsibility. 

If your son or daughter is considering serving the Church in this meaningful way, please feel free to call the rectory so we can answer questions and help them discern this decision.